Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing #23

My overall impression of Classroom 2.0 was great! If you want to get in on an educational discussion that is the place to go. People are very generous to share their links to great educational materials. I found some great links for Math resources and several great ideas about using podcasts in the classroom. Social networking is a great place to bounce ideas and find out what other educators are doing. I enjoyed reading the discussions and think for my own personal learning, I have found some new and valuable resources to use instead of doing a google search for everything. I do think social networking has a place in learning. I think with clear expectations and very careful monitoring it could be used with students as a means to communicate outside the classroom. I liked the Ning network as well. I signed up to become a member of passionate teachers. Their network is private so i am waiting on approval. I will continue to use these tools to further my own knowledge about 2.0 and plan to try to incorporate it in my teaching.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! I'm glad you found a ning that you wanted to join.
