Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #14

Prior to this class I had taken the intel class and had already developed a project in which my students were to create a page on the class wiki. I see wiki's being used in the classroom for "projects". They are a great way to share information on topics from Literature to Science. It is a place where students can work together to create a final product and coordinate their communication. I checked out 3 wikis for this thing. The first was codeblue. One thing I really liked about this wiki is the teacher had included a section on "online safety" for the students. It was divided up into classes and each class had their own page. What I would do differently is create an overview page on the homepage of the wiki that explained the project. The second wiki is discovery utopias. I really like this site because the teacher seems very organized and there is no ambiguity in what he wants the students to do. I also like the section for clean-up and help crew. He actually has student links for people who need help with the assignment or the wiki. Very cool idea. The third wiki is Salute to Suess What I like about the wiki is that the project isn't just for her classroom, but a sharing of many classrooms all over the world. She has links to all participating schools. I also liked that she had the Creative Commons license on her site. What I would have done different is added more graphics to the wiki to spice it up. I am sure there is tons of Dr. Suess stuff out there.


  1. Thanks for the info on I will be checking it out.

  2. I love your blog! It is so creative and fun. Very interesting to read.
